Easy A* in Cambridge IGCSE Literature- A Five Part Series

In this five part series, I’m going to show you how to ace your Cambridge IGCSE World Literature Course, taking you through everything teachers don’t show you. I promise you that IGCSE English is a course with incredibly limited scope, and it’s easy to manipulate this to your advantage and score high marks with ease. It always tackles the same themes, looks for the same things in your writings, and it’s acknowledging this will help you.

It’s important to note that succeeding in IGCSE English is not synonymous with being critical. Although it’s a helpful skill, it’s not actually neccesary.

This blog series is not a replacement for paying attention in class- instead, it’s just me, your humble peer, telling you what I wish I knew when I started: a cheatsheet to help you get the mark you deserve.

With that in mind, here’s what we’ve got in store for you:

  1. On the Unseen Paper

    • How to write an essay for the unseen - there are a few techniques you can master that will score you points every time. These aren’t tricks because they’re genuine ways to improve your essay. They’re just really simple to master.

    • Common content you can prep for in the unseen papers. Specifically, I want to talk about themes that are often addressed

  2. On the Seen Paper

    • We’ll show you how to look at stories in a new way

    • We’ll also how to compress them into a manageable chunks for memorisation

  3. On Orals

    • What you need to succeed - we’ll run through preparation, setup, and everything else you need.
  4. On English Lit Coursework

    • Coursework is the most mysterious part of IGCSE World Lit- we’ll help to demystify it, showing you what exactly Cambridge is looking for.
updated_at 07-06-2020